Discover "Havenry", a home décor company that prides itself in manufacturing items that inspire a feeling of warmth, genuineness, and belonging.
The Challenge
For Havenry, the design goal is to create a brand identity that appeals to people who respect authenticity and modern style while fusing the coziness of tradition with a contemporary, welcoming aesthetic.
The Concept Behind
A geometric symbol in the middle of the Havenry logo design symbolizes a complex dining room set up to demonstrate history and connection. The pattern almost resembles a quilt and evokes the coziness and familiarity of handcrafted home goods.
The logo offers a response to the primary problem of Havenry's corporate identity, which is balancing traditionalism with a modern aesthetic. The brand is charming and welcoming due to its warm color scheme, which heightens the sense of coziness and home. With its distinctive design, Havenry stands out from the competition and appeals to the target market's need for fashionable yet functional home goods that infuse their homes with coziness and warmth.
- Designed trademark patterns that are incorporated into the craftsmanship of a variety of goods, including fridge magnets and towels.
- Customized duck tape for mailings and in-person interactions.
- Putting on display home goods with a brand-focused tag to demonstrate beauty and brand.